CONTENT="Spiritual trends 2009, spiritual heroes, fear. Love, truth, Vatican, Pew forum, (List all heroes) Sedona, feminism, service, White Wing report, facebook, prayers, spirituality"> Spiritual trends 2009, advice and guidance from Top Spiritual Heroes, The White Wing Report <

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The Top Spiritual Heroes of 2009

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The Spiritual Heroes

They Still Walk Among Us

Throughout time, there have been special people...

Masters have walked among us to bring us back to our spiritual selves. With divine guidance they have uplifted us, encouraged us, and enlightened us to awaken to our own magnificence. Today is no different. Today we still have great spiritual heroes among us.

Here are the
Top Spiritual Heroes of 2009

The White Wing Report

The Top Spiritual Trends of the Year!

Special Heroes of the Past

Dottie Walters, Legendary Speaker

Legendary Public Speaker, the late Dottie Walters

John R. Wooden Coach

Legendary Coach and Inspirational Figure, the late John R Wooden

Thomas Merton, Trappist Monk

Legendary Mystic, Author and Poet, the late Thomas Merton
Copyright ©2010 White Wing Entertainment, LLC


Top Spiritual

Trends of 2009

The Top Spiritual Trends of the Year