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God's Major Production

©2008 Terri Marie

"Oh can I please try?" you say as passionately as you can.

God looks at your soul's credentials and previous roles and says,
"It's a very challenging role. Are you up to it?"
"Oh yes!
Give me the chance," you reply with all your heart.
"I've been dying to play a part like this."

And so God put you down for the role of you starring
in the Drama/Adventure/Comedy/ incredible new Production by
Heavenly Pictures called, "The Amazing Life and Times of You."

You ARE up to the part.
You are ready for the role you are playing.
This experience is preparing you for even loftier roles.
You might even be up for one of God's Academy Awards, "The coveted St. Peter."

You are well into your role right now.
How is it going?...
Have you forgotten how you almost you begged for this
part, for this amazing experience that you are having now?

Before the flick of an eye, the show will be over.

All will be well. The Spiritual Arena will heartily applaud
your great performance, so why not revel in it and enjoy
every moment on the great stage of your life.

All is truly well even now.
God is the Producer but God lets you be the Director and
play the Lead Role.

Anytime you are tired of an old scene that you have played
to death, put on your director's hat and devise a strategy.
God will provide the all heavenly resources for his
great Production of You.

Always live like the hero of your own glorious story,

Terri Marie

Terri Marie is the award-winning author of Be the Hero of Your Own Game. For a Free “Cheer of the Week” go to and sign up today.

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