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The Top Spiritual Heroes of 2009

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Top Spiritual Trends of 2009

1. Increased Polarization of Fear and Love:
Decisions made from either love or fear appear to drive not only individuals today but whole nations and societies.

2. A New Link Between Feminism and Spirituality:
A new inclusive feministic approach that includes what is nurturing and compassionate in both men and women.

3. Secrecy to Revelation:
The Truth is Harder to Hide.

4. Spirituality as Big Business:
Once sacred turf is being exploited for profit and not necessarily spiritual merit.

5. A Positive Contagion Builds:
Via social sites like Facebook and Twitter, people are turning to other “friends” for uplifting.

6. Raising Energy Levels Needed:
The health crisis headlines could be viewed as health opportunities in order to make spiritual advancement.

7. Simple Service:
Service is emerging as a trend both as a spiritual and a survival necessity.


The State of the Spirit 2009 pdf

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Top Spiritual

Trends of 2008