
White Wing Report

The Top Spiritual Heroes

Hero 1 Amma

Hero 2 Michael Beckwith

Hero 3 Joan Borysenko

Hero 4 Sister Joan Chittister

Hero 5 Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Spiritual Articles

Heartside Chats

2008 Heroes




The 2009 Top Spiritual Heroes

Here are the 2009 Top 5 Spiritual Heroes
Click on their names to read about each of them in more detail.

Amma (Sri Karunamayi)

Michael Bernard Beckwith

Joan Borysenko

Sister Joan Chittister

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The State of the Spirit 2009 pdf

The Full 2009 White Wing Report


Brought to you by White Wing Entertainment

Copyright ©2010 White Wing Entertainment, LLC


Top Spiritual

Trends of 2009

The Top Spiritual Trends of the Year