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The Continual Prayer

©2008 Terri Marie

I know that some of you are really struggling right now. Something in the world seems amiss. It is. It needs you, the full potential, spiritual awakening of YOU.

Much easier said than done. Especially when we look to the outer world as our source. It's not. Or when we look to our bank book as our source, it's not.

Years ago I remember telling my daughter who could not get something she really wanted from her father. "He is not your source. God is." She got that lesson very quickly. Even though I delivered the message it took me a lot longer to "get it." I still worried about where the money would come from. (Hint: The Source) Who would take care of me, (Hint 2 - still the Source and I had to do my living myself) and on and on.

As news continually breaks with things meant to break our spirits not uplift them, we have to remind ourselves that "The Source" of every bit of who we are, loves us profoundly and wants the best for us.

Why all the bad news? I don't have that answer. But I think it may have to do with the fact that everything is there to wake us up from a dream-like existence that is not completely filled with love. I just wonder. If love were the only thought on everyone's mind, if it were the only feeling in everyone's heart, how would the world have to change to accommodate that? If there were only love, who would want to hurt anyone? If you truly loved everyone, how could you cheat them? Wouldn't their happiness be just as important as your own? Wouldn't you love your own self enough not to do things to yourself that don't uplift you -including work you hate?

Yes, humanity is certainly a work in progress. A beautiful gift of life to create with and to learn to bring it all... to love.

As these outside conditions scream for your attention, remember you control the inside. Just like you set a thermostat to 70 degrees or so when it is cold and storming outside - you control the internal settings and can set them to a nice comfortable abundance level. You set your inner thermostat. The pilot light is always on. Always ready to guide you home.

For those of you needing a little encouragement in the financial area right now, there is a prayer that I "wrote" (more like wrote down) that always helps me. It's at - right on the home page. I'll be praying with you.

Always live like the hero of your own glorious story,

Terri Marie

Terri Marie is the award-winning author of Be the Hero of Your Own Game. For a Free “Cheer of the Week” go to and sign up today.

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