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Her Back Was Bent

©2008 Terri Marie

At first I felt sorry for her...

As I watched her walk down the busy street. (Few people walk here in Arizona unless they are hiking.) She was bent over, a felt gray hat drooped on her head to protect her from the sun. Her movements were slow in her long red skirt and loose dark jacket. I was so touched by her presence.

She was walking to get her food. I was starting to feel sorry for her until I noticed her face There was a divine smile that belied any age. Even her withered and stooped body could not diminish any part of such a grand smile. Rarely have I seen such pure joy.

I was stopped at a traffic light and continued to watch her. That beautiful lady opened my heart.

In our world today, so many people have become cynical. Can you find the great delight in life today? Can you reach the life joy that the elder woman found? The gift of the great beauty of life is where you least expect it.

That wonderful woman gave me a great gift. You can also be that gift by bringing others back to remember their own great gift of life. Each precious, sacred and perfect moment of it. I send you her joy today.

Always live like the hero of your own glorious story,

Terri Marie

Terri Marie is the award-winning author of Be the Hero of Your Own Game. For a Free “Cheer of the Week” go to and sign up today.

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