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The Basket

©2008-2010 Terri Marie

Here is a story called "The Basket" to give you a message of the spirit today.

It was years ago since I tasted the fragrant island air of Hawaii. Ironically, I recently wrote you about island wisdom. Not long after that, I was offered a wonderful vacation in Princeville, Kauai, (Never pass up an island vacation!) Gazing upon the endless ocean, cares lessoning by each crash of the waves, I noticed palm trees of various kinds flapping in the strong breezes. Years ago, Hawaiians used these palms for furniture, clothing, and baskets.

On my last trip to Hawaii, I stayed at a spa, recovering from a very tough divorce. The gardener was a charming man who wove me a wonderful Hawaiian basket - a true treasure. During my trip I was scheduled to meet with a fascinating Buddhist nun called Reverend Manya. Manya taught me a lot in Southern California in the brief time I spent with her during our serendipitous meeting.

In Hawaii, we met and ate lunch under a huge Banyan tree. Manya told me to look for her on a particular street corner. Manya said, "I'll be easy to spot. There aren't too many Buddhist nuns with shaved heads standing there!" I liked Reverend Manya.

Manya told me toward the end of our talk that she had just been robbed of her few possessions. There was no remorse, just a statement. I thought about how she could be so calm when all her possessions were now gone - everything! When I returned to California, I packed up that beautiful Hawaiian basket and sent it to Manya. That basket wasn't for me. It was to forward to someone like Manya - to refill her life again.

I don't think anything could've delighted Manya more judging from the note she sent me. That note and the feeling it expressed, meant more to me than the basket itself. The feeling it gave Manya after her "loss" meant more to her than if it had stayed with me.

The basket increased in value by passing it along.

Is there a basket in your life that you could give to someone today that would increase in some way their joy in life; their gratefulness? When something needs to move out of your life, let it fly to the one who "needs" it. Spiritual baskets of life are filled in both the giver and the receiver.

Today I send you a Spiritual Basket of blessings of abundance in your precious life and I'm sure Reverend Manya would join me in the wishes.

Always live like the hero of your own glorious story,

Terri Marie

Terri Marie is the award-winning author of Be the Hero of Your Own Game. For a Free “Cheer of the Week” go to and sign up today.

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