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White Wing Report

The Top Spiritual Heroes of 2009

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2008 Heroes




Top Spiritual Trends of 2008

• Interconnectedness:
We are becoming increasingly aware of our oneness with all life.

• Gratitude:
More people than ever are actively practicing gratefulness.

• Resizing:
Accumulating “more” is becoming less meaningful.

* Seeking Stillness:
"Stillness" is being valued as the great consciousness accelerator that it is.

* Our Enormous Impact on the World as Individuals.
More people are realizing that one person's actions can also cause the "butterfly effect."

* Hyper-focused:
We are becoming more aware of our impact of focusing beyond the "exterior" self to the service aspects of our beings, which heightens our focus not only of others but of ourselves.

* Approaching Global Shift:
More people are realizing that a global shift of some sort is becoming necessary and imminent.


The State of the Spirit 2008 pdf

The Full 2008 White Wing Report
Copyright ©2008 White Wing Entertainment, LLC


Top Spiritual

Trends of 2009