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Coach John Wooden

A Hero to millions around the world, John Wooden was one of the most beloved coaches of all time

Who Was Coach Wooden?

John Wooden, born on October 14, 1910, was an American basketball coach. Before that he was also a famous basketball player. He was the first person ever that became a member of the Basketball Hall of Fame in both player and coach categories.

Wooden was known as the coach that led his team to ten (NCAA) national championships in his 12 years as a basketball coach at UCLA. Up to now, his works are unmatched by any other basketball coaches. His passion, outlook in life, and beliefs made him into the icon that he became, and this was what helped  him become such a great model for all those that knew him.  

Throughout his career, he always made it a point to recite and to follow the creed that was said to be given by his father to him when he graduated from grammar school.

It was known as the Seven Point Creed. These are:

1. Be true to yourself.

2. Make each day your masterpiece.

3. Help others.

4. Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible.

5. Make friendship a fine art.

6. Build a shelter against a rainy day.

7. Pray for guidance and give thanks for your blessings every day.

These words were shared to him by his father through a card. He kept the card in his wallet and when the card crumbled, he replaced it by making a new card that looked exactly the same as the original one.

In an interview, he also shared his thought on how his father was the greatest man that he had ever met. He also shared the things that his father has taught him.

Aside from the Seven Point Creed, his father also taught him the pearls of wisdom he fondly called as the “Two Sets of Threes”.

They are the following:

"Never lie, never cheat and never steal."
"Don't whine, don't complain and don't alibi."

John Wooden also has his own maxims:

•  Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
•  Flexibility is the key to stability.
•  Be quick, but don't hurry.

Throughout his life, he lived with those lessons that his father taught him. He even wrote books to inspire more people to be a better person and be successful in life. He also gave inspirational lectures whenever he had the time and through those efforts was able to set up educational funds for his grandchildren.

Coach John Wooden died at the age of 99, due to natural causes. Even after his death, his words of wisdom continued to inspire his family as well as the people whom he has reached.
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