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2008 Heroes




The White Wing Report

*Divine Mother Love*

Amma Sri Karunamayi

Sri Karunamayi was known throughout India as a divine child. In a prophecy by one of India's most revered holy men, her birth was foretold, that of a child who would bring peace. Amma as she is called, (embodiment of the Divine Mother) was born on the most auspicious holy day in India. It is the day when the Divine Mother conquers that which causes us pain and grief.

As a very young girl Amma went into nature for ten years to meditate. When she came out, she founded her ashram in India. Amma speaks and teaches throughout the world. She meditates for the benefit of humanity lovingly referring to all people as her "babies."

Amma founded a free hospital to treat over 70,000 Indians who could not afford health care. She also funds a free school in Penusila Kshetram near her ashram to help end the cycle of child labor in this area of India.

For her 50th birthday, Amma expressed her wishes that instead of a celebration, any gifts would go to her foundation to build homes for the poor in India, called the "Jubilee Housing" project.

Amma not only speaks of spiritual truths but she speaks on yoga and exercise, and the practical aspects of life. When Amma gives darshan she blesses the divine within, pats or rubs the person's head, hands them a Hershey's chocolate kiss and places some holy ash on the forehead of the blessed. Amma has held and comforted countless people who broke into tears in her presence.

Amma reminds us to be aware of the great gift we are experiencing as life on this earth. Humanity is blessed to have the encouragement and love of Divine Mother Amma.

The Three Questions

Amma's answers were a little different so I give them in story form.

Amma was the only Spiritual Hero of 2009 that I spoke face to face to get her answers. Although I had sent the questions to her staff Amma's travels made it difficult for her to provide the answers in time for the White Wing Report’s release in late 2009.

With a saint, everything is perfect however, and when Amma came to Sedona for her spiritual retreat, I was given permission to ask Amma those three questions I asked every other spiritual hero.

An interesting thing happened however. When Amma spoke to me, I went completely blank. Having conducted thousands of interviews I usually remember the words people tell me. As she was talking I realized that this was not going to happen. I would just have to “receive” the answers and trust that I understood her message. All I remember Amma saying to answer the first question "What is the best spiritual advice you were ever given?" was, “Respect everybody.” “Love everybody.” And something like “Don’t do bad things.” Amma went on a lot longer than that but those first words were basically her whole message. “Be good. Avoid being bad.”

After asking the first question I realized somehow that Amma had already answered both the first and the second together so I went onto the third question. I had planned on asking, “What is Your Vision For 2010 and Beyond?” liked I asked the other “Heroes”. Even though I had the question written down right in front of me, this is what popped out of my mouth, “What do you see for the future of spirituality in the next two years?” Who knows why I picked two years when I was thinking further down the road. Such things happen to me around saints and sages. All I remember Amma saying was something like she was seeing many people working for good in the world and while the world is changing, many are helping to create peace and much good. She didn’t seem worried at all.

And that is comforting.

My mind couldn’t really hear, nor need to hear, Amma. She sent the words right into my heart. I was expecting answers for my logical brain but received them at a much deeper and more meaningful level. My mind could not remember, but my heart heard.

Quotes by Amma

"If you come a foot toward me, I will come a thousand feet toward you"

"When we come out of emotion and motion and illusion, we see God."

"All the miseries are ended when we attach to the truth."

"When you are meditating you are sitting in the cosmos."

"You are the greatest writer. You are the writer of your Divine Story."

"Patience is a very powerful weapon."

"Meditation is nothing but your true love for the Divine"

"For the experience of bliss, we are in the world."

"Living on this earth is a boon from God. Utilize this boon, give selfless service to the world."

"All forms are portions in your play. You are truth. You are beyond forms.

Contact Amma:

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Top Spiritual


of 2009