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The White Wing Report

* Creating Light Using the Dark *

Debbie Ford

Debbie Ford exudes messages of the divine through her work in seminars. TV shows, books, newsletters, and even cruises. All to awaken the great spiritual essence within us all. Though long on the forefront of spirituality, Debbie has quantum-leaped her teaching through her website offerings, ezine messages and radio program. Debbie teaches us to accept ourselves totally, both our sun and our shadow. She gives a transfusion of love and spiritual energy in all she undertakes.

A perfect description of Debbie is "She gracefully travels between the worlds, from the mundane to the sublime, from the practical to the profound, and from the dark back into the light." Debbie is Author of "The Shadow Process," and "The Dark Side of the Light Chasers." Debbie founded the Ford Institute for Integrative Coaching.

The Three Questions

1. What is The Best Spiritual Advice You Were Ever Given and Who Gave it To You?

"I think my girlfriend Luba, in the midst of my drug addiction, told me that I could be whole again. Another thing that comes to me is Emmet Fox and all his writings. He's really been my spiritual mentor. The line that comes to me is, 'God can do for me what I cannot do for myself.' Knowing that I could be whole again even though I didn't know how to make myself whole again and knowing that 'God can do for me what I cannot do for myself,' together they made a great combo. The vision to be whole and the not knowing how, but knowing that there's a power resource in the Universe that could lead me and guide me to wholeness. That third step prayer, 'Relieve me of the bondage of self.' Ah. Boy are we free when we get that."

2. What is The Best Spiritual Advice You Can Give To Help People Today?

"I think I would tell everybody that you have the right to love all of who you are. The dark and the light. The good and the bad. The human and the divine. The weak and the strong. The meanness and the kindness. The selfish and the selfless. That is why are here. That's real love. That's learning to love. We're here to learn to love all of who we are. When we love all of who we are, we love all of who everyone else is. It's easy to love yourself when you wake up feeling good and you have enough money and enough health and all the things we look for. But is that even love? Our job is that stretch. How do I love myself when I'm broke, or how do I love myself when I feel insignificant, or insecure, or angry? That is our birthright. That's when we return to wholeness. It is really the hardest thing a human can do - is to love all of one's self."

3. What is Your Vision For 2008 and Beyond?

"I see that we are in a very important time right now where we are having to move out of our individual selves into the collective part. We are moving out of the 'I' into the 'we.' Until we stand in the 'we' and care for each other like we are each other, like everybody is our family; until we understand that the environment isn't somebody else's problem; it's all of our problems; that a failed educational system, isnt somebody else's issue; it's all of our issues; that the starving children in Africa and the people that don't have any water are all of our problems; we will continue to perpetuate the unconscious behaviors of the past, of our ancestors."

"Inside of 'we,' we are one with all that there is. We are holy beings. So I see the vision of people (and I see it! I see people getting that) - is to serve, to give."

"Are there any steps people can take to change from the "I" to the "we"?

"Yes. I think first the process of understanding first that there is a war going on and the war is inside ourselves. And that we must heal the split. When we've healed the split inside ourselves, between the individual and the collective, between the human and the divine, we've done our part. We've made a massive alteration in human kind. The work must start here. We can no longer be there for other people and not serve ourselves. We are all of those other people. We can no longer just be obsessed with our own ego's desires and not take on everyone's desires. So the work is internal to begin with. How do I love my judgmental self? How do I love my lazy self? How do I love my limited self? Because it's in the loving all there is, that we will break through to the expansiveness of that divine intelligence where all of what we are seeking exists!"

"And you've seen so many people have breakthroughs haven't you?

"So many. So many. And it's the most beautiful thing in the world when we get it. The key opens the hidden door of our individual mind. We step into the collective heart. It is a beautiful, beautiful thing. Once we've experienced it of course, we will go back into the prison of our own minds. But our spiritual journey is to keep doing the work on a human level so that we can experience, and co-create, and allow on the divine level. It is a big job. It's the only thing were here to do. If we really got that, we'd stop wasting our time."

Beau's Project

Beau is Debbie's son. He's done something amazing with Debbie's guidance. "The project is doing great," says Debbie. "Now other people have taken on his project. My friend Cynthia Kersey has taken on the project and she's raised over $150,000 so we're moving ahead strong. We've all joined together as the Global Heart, which is my non-profit. Now it's moving into a lot of people's nonprofits. We're joining together as a 'we.' Beau is really thrilled. I know that when somebody knows that they matter, (that's all I really wanted him to learn here, is that he matters, that he can make a difference,) they live a different kind of life."

Debbie Ford Quotes

"When you are loving your life, magic happens."

"There's only so much you can accomplish by effort. Remarkable things happen when we surrender."

"If we could all take ourselves back from other people, then everybody becomes our peer."

Contact Debbie: www.debbieford.com

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