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The White Wing Report

* Divine Happiness *

Rishi Nityapragya

"Rishi Ji" giggles. He sings. Rishi seems to know a secret - how to enjoy every part of living. He is an incredibly happy person. That alone could make anyone a hero. But Rishi is a pure channel for the divine energy. When it flows from Rishi, it is magnificent to experience. The wisdom and insights he has are stunning in their clarity. "Come closer," Rishi giggles. "Come even closer. I want to be close to you," he says again as he moves closer to his beloved audiences worldwide.

You'd expect someone like Rishi to be on the Top Spiritual Heroes List. But even someone known as a saint is not universally accepted for his outpouring of love and compassion.

Rishi is the student of his beloved master His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. At their first meeting Rishi knew that he had come home. He had an experience of completeness and supreme consciousness. Rishi also handles the myriad of business details as the International Director of Programs for the Art of Living Foundation, one of the United nation's largest Non-governmental based organizations. Sri Sri sends Rishi across the globe to speak and spread news of great love for all of humanity.

In India, crowds of 100,000s come to experience Rishiji and his healing, harmonious, and tranquil Presence. Rishi's deep spiritual wisdom, charm, unbounded enthusiasm, unconditional love and contagious laughter, quickly intoxicate his audiences with the experience of the Divine. One of his many talents is the transformation of consciousness through music.

The Three Questions

1. What is The Best Spiritual Advice You Were Ever Given and Who Gave it To You?

In 1993 Rishi was looking for the purpose of life and "Why this amazing creator has created us." He was questioning the structure of life and the conditioning given to us from society. Because of his curiosity his search led him to many spiritual leaders. He went to see Sri Sri Ravi Shankar who was teaching a breathing technique that inspired Rishi. But it was Sri Sri's words in addressing 3000 people that pierced Rishi's heart and gave him the answer he was seeking. Rishi saw, "The huge responsibilty he (Sri Sri) was taking. His Holiness said he wanted to put a smile on everyone's face. It opened my heart." Rishi decided that he too wanted to make everyone happy.

2. What is The Best Spiritual Advice You Can Give To Help People Today?

"Nature has put such amazing abilities in human minds. Most of us are taking care of our jobs and our homes and the smaller things. My urge to my brothers and sisters - please don't wile away this fantastic opportunity to be in a human body, Let us explore life together."

Rishi has a simple three step process for releasing stress.
1. "Take a breath in."
2. "Connect to God."
3. "Let go. Delete it."

3. What is Your Vision For 2008 and Beyond?

"The next three to seven years are a time of transformation, I feel. There will be some destruction. When an old building is yet to be dismantled and the new building is yet to be completed there is some discomfort and challenge. I feel in a little while all this will lift up, just like before dawn. The first ray of sun. Take care of your mind. Instead of the outer world of people and things, pay attention to the inner world, thoughts and memories. Withdraw your mind from the outer world. Keep peace intact. Let the outer world go through its own transformation."

Rishi Quotes

"The Divine is like air. It is everywhere. It is unseen and unmanifest yet extremely present. Because of its all prevasive nature, it's available all the time. In this divine consciousness, this lake of consciousness, these small little bubbles have come up which are our souls. An individual soul journeys from ameba to insect to bird to human. An individual soul has traveled through countless times. When you don't need to take the body anymore, you become an enlightened being. There are many such enlightened beings are around us, doing the beautiful work. Just know that they are helping. Whatever you wish, turn within to prayer and give it up to them. They are taking care of your prayers."

"Your discomfort with something in life is a sign of some limitation becoming exposed. People handle it either two ways."

1. They avoid it. If you stay in your comfort zone, the limitation remains. You are actually pampering the limitation. Let us take the middle path. Go through the discomfort and let it be exposed. Observe. Keep releasing. Surrender that limitation. Different people can expose different things in you. Ask, 'Is it worth keeping?' 'Is it beneficial?' Whatever it is keep releasing."

2. Be happy. To train the human mind - maintain harmony, happiness, and beauty.

Contact Rishi: www.denise@artofliving.org

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