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The White Wing Report

* Mystical Connection *

Jean Houston

Jean Houston is a mystic scholar possessing a brilliant mind. Compassion and intelligence of her caliber are extraordinarily rare. Jean actively works on what she calls Social Artistry - creating and designing a magnificent, responsible, and thriving society. Her spiritual essence blossoms moment to moment as if it were a continually fresh flower. To hear her speak is to witness this great bounty of the moment. Jean Houston is highly intuitive. She will look at someone while speaking and deliver a direct divine message. Jean presents great healing through spiritual change, constantly giving of herself in service - speaking, lecturing, teaching, and empowering people around the world. If you get a chance to see her in person, jump on it. Jean is a woman who has a profound understanding of the human, born from the divine.

The Three Questions

1. What is The Best Spiritual Advice You Were Ever Given and Who Gave it To You?

"I used to walk with an old man in central Park, Mr. Teilhard de Chardin. He lived across the street. It was in my 14th to 17th year, I think. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin gave me the best advice. (Jean speaks in his accent) 'Always find spirit everywhere. Oh Jean,' he would say to me. 'Look at how this caterpillar is changing. Where are you in your caterpillar stage, Jean?' He taught me to always see the emergence of spirit in everything. Find the pattern of connection in everything and everyone. See human development in light of social change."

2. What is The Best Spiritual Advice You Can Give To Help People Today?

"I travel around the world. Most leaders try to emulate the white male of 1926. We are all leaders at this time. But we can't do it without this sourcing in our spirit. And there... everything is available to bring us home."

3. What is Your Vision For 2008 and Beyond?

"We are entering a very critical time. What I call a "Whole System Transition." You must really keep your inner world deepening right now. So few of us are prepared.

Jean suggests a "Daily Practice" as the best way to do this, whether it is meditation or prayer. "Find some way to keep the spiritual practice as a critical part of your day. See spirit everywhere. We are entering into a singularity in history, as we have never seen before, with shifts of tremendous magnitude. They thought other times were 'it.' No. THIS is 'It!' Jean's advice is to "Build your own teaching communities based on mutual growth - always in alignment with your spiritual development. This is what I call 'Social Artistry."

Jean Houston Talks About Her Mentor Eleanor Roosevelt

"Mrs. Roosevelt was at end of her term at the United Nations and was very interested in getting young people who were leaders interested in international work. As President of my high school. I was invited to meet with her several times to talk about leadership." Eleanor told Jean, "My dear, I rather think you're going to have an interesting path. Expect to be attacked." But Eleanor also said, "Women are just like tea bags. Put them in hot water and they are at their best. "

Jean Houston Quotes

"What the world so desperately needs at this time is patterns for peaceful, passionately creative and effective societies. And, with it, peaceful, passionately creative, and effective people: in other words, the Possible Human in the Possible Society."

"Life is about exploration, about experience, and the purpose of life may very well be experience. God wishes to experience life through you."

"It would be a good thing to live your life as worthy of this great creating intelligence because that is the path to spiritual evolution and ultimate delight."

"Life is God made manifest and the point of creating is to experience it."

"You are God's stuff. You are infinite potential lensed through space and time and body and mind."

"Creation may be actually making something out of everything."

Contact Jean:

Website: www.jeanhouston.org

White Wing Entertainment

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