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The White Wing Report

* Spiritual Knighthood *

John Harricharan

John could be described as a White Knight of Spirituality. John doesn't ride in on a white horse. He'd be the first to tell you he'd probably fall off. But he gives you the courage and belief to get on and ride one of those white horses yourself. You'll go on the spiritual ride of your life. John sat under a giant mango tree and got a glimpse of the universe. "It blinked. And I knew I was not alone...ever."

John 's life is a combination of some of the best and most touching movies ever made, As in the book "Love Story" by Eric Segal, John too experienced the death of the love of his life when she died at 31 years old. John has lived through incredible highs and great success and lost it all, only to find a divine gift in the emptiness - the ability to bring people home to God.

The Three Questions

1. What is The Best Spiritual Advice You Were Ever Given and Who Gave it To You?

Short Answer:

"An old man who lived at the edge of the Universe gave me a magic flute."

Normal Answer:

"I think it was my father who always told me about the wonders of the Universe and about the special magical powers that lie within each and every one of God's children. He told me that the magic was not just around me, or above or below, but that it was also very deep within my spirit and soul. He further told me that as I learned to trust that Force and that magic, then life will become a mystical, glorious adventure. God can't help but love us. That is Big Love."

Deepak Chopra, a good friend of John's told him, "When you are happy, you are making happy cells."

2. What is The Best Spiritual Advice You Can Give To Help People Today?

Short Answer: 253

Normal Answer:

"Seek to spend time in the 'silence' everyday. Silence might just be another name for God. Go into the the Voice of the Universe calling to you. Do not hear in the way we're accustomed to hearing, but hear with your heart and soul. It will only be a 'still, small voice' but its wisdom spans the ages. If we listen carefully and we do not let the normal, chaotic conversation in our heads drown out the quietness, we will find peace and success uncommon in ordinary times. There will be a joy that 'passes all understanding' and we will, as Thoreau said, 'live with the license of a higher order of being."

"Go to God first and then to man as God directs. Don't look at God through your problems. Look at your problems through God. No one has ever seen God. It is within us. A certain murmur of the soul. A gentle murmur in our soul tells you something is way beyond us. But we'll find out what God is like by looking into our own heart. Start hearing the great one speak to us - the voice of an angel."

3. What is Your Vision For 2008 and Beyond?

Short Answer: "20/20. Very wide. Blurry...You ask a God question and you get a God answer."

Normal Answer:

"I believe that the Universe is orderly and that we are all on a great journey through eternity. The problems we see on Earth at this time in history have not been more or less better or worse than at other times. We tend to view our problems or the world's problems through the glasses of our experiences, beliefs, fears, and hopes. Perhaps, this is a grand experiment where we've been thrown together from different races, cultures, and creeds to force us to adapt or perish. Adapt, you say? Yes, adapt to the power of compassion, understanding, peace, and love.

Perhaps we're in a classroom where, if only one fails, the entire class has to help that one so that all will pass. Maybe we're here to learn about the true nature of ourselves and the world we live in. I feel that one day, perhaps a year from now or even a century or two, humanity will slowly, but surely discover that we are all shipmates on the common voyage of life, travelers on the same boat - and that we cannot sink our shipmates without sinking ourselves. In my vision for the future, I see human beings finally evolving into the true spiritual beings that they were meant to be."

John Harricharan Quotes

"Decisions are not meant to be made. Decisions are meant to be discovered."

"If you know God, you know the person within you."

"Don't limit the Is."

"The Universe splits when we make a choice."

"Within everyone of us is a Hitler and a Mother Teresa. Learn to transmute the Hitler into the Mother Teresa."

"When you worry, it doesn't make it any better and it could make it much worse."

"A part of ourselves is reflected glaringly at us in our environment. As we change our minds, as we make choices, the entire physical plane changes."

Contact John: www.insight2000.com

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